Your service provider may have requested that certainfeatures be disabled or not activated in your device. If so,these features will not appear on your device menu. Yourdevice may also have customized items such as menunames, menu order, and icons.Shared memoryThe following features in this device may share memory:multimedia messaging (MMS), e-mail application, instantmessaging. Use of one or more of these features mayreduce the memory available for the remaining features.If your device displays a message that the memory is full,delete some of the information stored in the sharedmemory.During extended operation such as an active video call andhigh speed data connection, the device may feel warm. Inmost cases, this condition is normal. If you suspect thedevice is not working properly, take it to the nearestauthorised service facility.ActiveSyncUse of the Mail for Exchange is limited to over-the-airsynchronisation of PIM information between the Nokiadevice and the authorised Microsoft Exchange server.Digital rights managementContent owners may use different types of digital rightsmanagement (DRM) technologies to protect theirintellectual property, including copyrights. This deviceuses various types of DRM software to access DRM-protected content. With this device you can access contentprotected with WMDRM 10 and OMA DRM 2.0. If certain DRMsoftware fails to protect the content, content owners mayask that such DRM software's ability to access new DRM-protected content be revoked. Revocation may alsoprevent renewal of such DRM-protected content already inyour device. Revocation of such DRM software does notaffect the use of content protected with other types of DRMor the use of non-DRM-protected content.Magnets and magnetic fieldsKeep your device away from magnets or magnetic fields.9 SafetyCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack