NSM–3/3DService Software InstructionsPAMS Technical DocumentationPage 35Issue 4 02/2002 Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.Base offset edit box:This edit box shows the base offset value that the user canchange. The base level calculation check box must be checkedbefore this value is used. After this value is changed the usermust do the calculation.NOTE: Do not use Enter button to accept this value.+/– buttons (+/– and left/right cursor keys):+ and – buttons will cause power changing by 0.25dB steps.When these keys are used the coefficient value is updated onthe tuning window.Save button (ENTER):Dialog is closed and tuned values aresaved to phone. Baseoffset is saved to TESLA.INI.Cancel button (ESC):Dialog is closed and tuningis not saved to phone.When selections are used, the power value checking is made and if it isnot successful, error message is shown. The test checks that all powercoefficients are in descending order (same order than power levels).If the power tuning function is ended and EEPROM values are not re-ceived or EEPROM fault is noticed, an error message is shown.When all power coefficients have such values that they don’t cause anyerror messages, they can be saved. The last used tuning power is in useafter exit.The next automatic selection is made when this tuning function is ended:Operation Mode = RX pulsedWhen dialog is closed original band is selected.