NSM–3/3DService Software InstructionsPAMS Technical DocumentationPage 63Issue 4 02/2002 Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.Production Data Edit... commandActivation Status Bar TextAlt, S,P Open Production Data Edit dialog boxThis command is used for programming HW version and other productiondata to phone. Only fields that are editable are validated and written tothe phone. The function opens the following Production Data Edit dialogbox.Dialog mode: modalProduction Data dialog includes the following items:Production Code edit box:the user can edit production code.Order Number edit box (read only):Displays order number. Order number “???????” is accepted,but not written to phone.Production Ser. No edit box (read only):Displays production serial number.Manufacture Month edit box (read only):Displays manufacturing month.HW Version edit box:The user can edit HW version.OK button (ENTER):Closes the dialog box and writes HW version to ME.Cancel button (ESC):Closes the dialog box anddoes not write HW version to ME.