Before you can create a multimediamessage or write an e-mail, you musthave the correct connection settings inplace.The wireless network may limit the sizeof MMS messages. If the inserted pictureexceeds this limit, the device may makeit smaller so that it can be sent by MMS.Check the size limit of e-mail messageswith your service provider. If youattempt to send an e-mail message thatexceeds the size limit of the e-mailserver, the message is left in the Outboxfolder, and the device attempts toresend it periodically. Sending an e-mailrequires a data connection, andcontinuous attempts to resend the e-mail may increase your data transfercosts. In the Outbox folder, you candelete such a message, or move it to theDrafts folder.1 Select New message.2 To send a text or multimediamessage (MMS), select Message. Tosend a multimedia message thatincludes one sound clip, selectAudio message. To send an e-mail,select E-mail.3 In the To field, press the scroll keyto select recipients or groups fromthe contacts list, or enter therecipient’s phone number or e-mailaddress. You can also copy andpaste the number or address fromthe clipboard.4 In the subject field, enter thesubject of the message for amultimedia or an e-mail message.To hide or display fields whenwriting a text or multimediamessage, select Options >Message header fields.5 In the message field, write themessage. To add a template or noteto a text or multimedia message,select Options > Insert content >Insert text > Template or Note.To add a template to an e-mailmessage, select Options > Inserttemplate.6 To add a media file to a multimediamessage, select Options > Insertcontent, the file type or source, andthe desired file. To add a businesscard, slide, note, or other file to themessage, select Options > Insertcontent > Insert other.7 To capture an image or record avideo or sound clip for a multimediaMessaging 45© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.