content, content owners may ask thatsuch DRM software's ability to accessnew DRM-protected content be revoked.Revocation may also prevent renewal ofsuch DRM-protected content already inyour device. Revocation of such DRMsoftware does not affect the use ofcontent protected with other types ofDRM or the use of non-DRM-protectedcontent.Digital rights management (DRM)protected content comes with anassociated licence that defines yourrights to use the content.If your device has OMA DRM-protectedcontent, to back up both the licence andthe content, use the backup feature ofNokia Ovi Suite.Other transfer methods may nottransfer the licences which need to berestored with the content for you to beable to continue the use of OMA DRM-protected content after the devicememory is formatted. You may alsoneed to restore the licence in case thefiles on your device get corrupted.If your device has WMDRM-protectedcontent, both the licence and thecontent will be lost if the device memoryis formatted. You may also lose thelicence and the content if the files onyour device get corrupted. Losing thelicence or the content may limit yourability to use the same content on yourdevice again. For more information,contact your service provider.Some licences may be connected to aspecific SIM card, and the protectedcontent can be accessed only if the SIMcard is inserted in the device.8 Safety© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.