To create a new server profile, selectOptions > Server profiles >Options > New server profile.You may receive these settings fromyour service provider in a configurationmessage. If not, define the following:Server name — Enter a name for theconfiguration server.Server ID — Enter the unique ID toidentify the configuration server.Server password — Enter a passwordto identify your device to the server.Access point — Select the access pointto use for the connection, or create anew access point. You can also chooseto be asked for the access point everytime you start a connection. This settingis available only if you have selectedInternet as the bearer type.Host address — Enter the web addressof the configuration server.Port — Enter the port number of theserver.User name and Password — Enter youruser ID and password for theconfiguration server.Allow configuration — Select Yes toallow the server to initiate aconfiguration session.Auto-accept all requests — Select Yesif you do not want the server to ask foryour confirmation when it initiates aconfiguration session.Network authentication — Selectwhether to use http authentication.Network user name and Networkpassword — Enter your user ID andpassword for the http authentication.This setting is available only if you haveselected Network authentication tobe used.To connect to the server and receiveconfiguration settings for your device,select Options > Start configuration.To view the configuration log of theselected profile, select Options > Viewlog.To update the device software over theair, select Options > Check forupdates. The update does not eraseyour settings. When you receive theupdate package on your device, followthe instructions on the display. YourData management 99© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.