Features using Bluetooth technologyincrease the demand on battery powerand reduce the battery life.Send and receive data withBluetoothSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel >Connectivity > Bluetooth.1 When you activate Bluetoothconnectivity for the first time, youare asked to name your device. Giveyour device a unique name to makeit easy to recognise if there areseveral Bluetooth devices nearby.2 Select Bluetooth > On.3 Select My phone's visibility >Shown to all or Define period. Ifyou select Define period, you needto define the time during whichyour device is visible to others. Yourdevice and the name you enteredcan now be seen by other users withdevices using Bluetoothtechnology.4 Open the application where theitem you want to send is stored.5 Select the item and Options >Send > Via Bluetooth. The devicesearches for other devices usingBluetooth technology within rangeand lists them.Tip: If you have sent data usingBluetooth connectivity before, a listof the previous search results isdisplayed. To search for moreBluetooth devices, select Moredevices.6 Select the device with which youwant to connect. If the other devicerequires pairing before data can betransmitted, you are asked to entera passcode.When the connection has beenestablished, Sending data is displayed.The Sent folder in the Messagingapplication does not store messagessent using Bluetooth connectivity.To receive data using Bluetoothconnectivity, select Bluetooth > Onand My phone's visibility > Shown toall to receive data from a non-paireddevice or Hidden to receive data from apaired device only. When you receivedata through Bluetooth connectivity,depending on the settings of an activeprofile, a tone sounds, and you areasked if you want to accept the message90 Connectivity© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.