between the gateway and the contentserver.Security certificates may be required forsome services, such as banking services.You are notified if the identity of theserver is not authentic or if you do nothave the correct security certificate inyour device. For more information,contact your service provider.Important: Even if the use ofcertificates makes the risks involved inremote connections and softwareinstallation considerably smaller, theymust be used correctly in order tobenefit from increased security. Theexistence of a certificate does not offerany protection by itself; the certificatemanager must contain correct,authentic, or trusted certificates forincreased security to be available.Certificates have a restricted lifetime. If"Expired certificate" or "Certificate notvalid yet" is shown, even if thecertificate should be valid, check thatthe current date and time in your deviceare correct.Before changing any certificate settings,you must make sure that you really trustthe owner of the certificate and that thecertificate really belongs to the listedowner.Internet 75© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.