provider to use the services of otherservice providers.Operator selection — SelectAutomatic to set the device to searchfor and select one of the availablenetworks, or Manual to manually selectthe network from a list. If theconnection to the manually selectednetwork is lost, the device sounds anerror tone and asks you to reselect anetwork. The selected network musthave a roaming agreement with yourhome cellular network.Cell info display — Set the device toindicate when it is used in a cellularnetwork based on microcellularnetwork (MCN) technology and toactivate cell info reception.Wireless LANAbout WLANYour device can detect and connect towireless local area networks (WLAN).Using a WLAN, you can connect yourdevice to the internet and compatibledevices that support WLAN.To use a WLAN connection, you need thefollowing:• WLAN must be available in yourlocation.• Your device must be connected tothe WLAN. Some WLANs areprotected, and you need an accesskey from the service provider toconnect to them.• An internet access point created forWLAN. Use the access point forapplications that need to connect tothe internet.A WLAN connection is established whenyou create a data connection using aWLAN internet access point. The activeWLAN connection ends when you endthe data connection.You can use WLAN during a voice call orwhen packet data is active. You can onlybe connected to one WLAN access pointdevice at a time, but severalapplications can use the same accesspoint.Features that use WLAN, or that areallowed to run in the background whileusing other features, increase thedemand on battery power and reducethe battery life.Connectivity 85© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.