A CCESS G ATEWAY242 The Subscriber InterfaceAuthorization and BillingAs a gateway device, the Access Gateway enables plug-and-play access to broadbandnetworks. Broadband network solution providers can now offer their subscribers a wide rangeof high speed services, including access to the Internet. Of course, a high speed Internetconnection is not free – subscribers pay an access fee, based on the duration of theirconnection. Additionally, subscribers may want to take advantage of the solution provider’slocal network services (for example, purchasing goods and local services). In either case, thesubscriber is required to pay. Naturally, subscribers expect to pay only for the services renderedto them.In any environment, billing is a complex process. It requires accurate data collection andreconciliation, a means to validate and protect the data, and an efficient method for collectingpayments.The Access Gateway offers powerful billing support functionality called “Authentication,Authorization, and Accounting.” This feature (also known as AAA) employs a combination ofcommand routines designed to create a flexible, efficient, and secure billing environment. Forexample, when a subscriber logs into the system, their unique MAC address is placed into anauthorization table. The system then authenticates the subscriber’s MAC address and billinginformation before allowing them to access the Internet and make online purchases.