A CCESS G ATEWAY70 System Administration6. To add an IP address (or range of IP addresses) to the list, enter the “starting” IP address inthe Access Control Start IP field.7. If you are adding a range of IP addresses to the access control list, you must now enter the“ending” IP address in the Access Control End IP field. If you are adding a single IPaddress, enter None in the Access Control End IP field.8. Click on the Add button to add the IP address (or range of IP addresses) to the list.9. To remove an IP address (or range of IP addresses) from the list, enter the “starting” IPaddress in the Access Control Start IP field.If you are removing a range of IP addresses from the access control list, you must nowenter the “ending” IP address in the Access Control End IP field. If you are removing asingle IP address, enter None in the Access Control End IP field.10. Click on the Remove button to remove the IP address (or range of IP addresses) from thelist.Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}The Access Gateway allows you to define parameters to enable the automatic configuration ofthe system. See also, RADIUS-driven Auto Configuration.If you enabled Access Control and have “locked yourself out,” of the system(for example, because you’ve forgotten your password), you must establish alocal serial connection with the CLI to disable the Access Control feature, orchange the range of allowed IP addresses to access the management interfaces.If you have changed the serial port to act as a PMS interface, please contactNomadix technical support. In this case, refer to “Contact Information” onpage 311.