A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 79 Number of Retransmit Attempts – This tells the system how many times it shouldattempt to retransmit billing records before suspending the task. Retransmit Delay – This specifies the time delay between each retransmission.7. Click on the Submit button to save your changes, or click on the Reset button if you wantto reset all the values to their previous state.Configuring Destination HTTP RedirectDestination HTTP Redirect provides DNS-triggered redirection of HTTP requests to one ormore portal page URLs configured on the NSE. Portal pages could include account status,maps, local information, etc.The NSE will intercept and respond to DNS queries containing configurable strings.Subscribers requesting a website at that DNS will obtain a DNS response that contains a“magic” IP address (which is the same value obtained when the subscriber queries the DNSstring “logout.nomadix.com”).The NSE will process HTTP requests for that “magic” IP address (configurable on the AAApage), and will reply with an HTTP redirection (which may include a number of signedredirection parameters) to a configured URL. By following the HTTP redirection, thesubscriber will reach the target URL, and he/she will then be served a page containingwhatever information is relevant (account and/or other specific information).