H OTS POT GATEWAY ™System Administration 141Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}You can display a listing of all the subscribers currently connected to the system. Thelist includes the MAC addresses of the subscribers, their active state, the individualexpiration times, port numbers (if assigned), and the number of bytes that have beenpassed from the subscriber to the Internet. This data can be used if a dispute arisesbetween the subscriber and the solution provider (for example, if a subscriber claimsthat their connection to the Internet was not completed). By reviewing the “byte”statistics, you can clearly see if the subscriber made a successful connection.To view the list of Current Subscriber Connections, go to the Web ManagementInterface, click on Subscriber Administration, then click on Current.The Subscriber Statistics screen appears (split here for clarity), showing the usagestatistics for all subscribers currently connected to the system:To view individual subscribers, simply click on the linked MAC address.In the State field, “Valid” denotes that the subscriber has beenauthenticated. “Pending” indicates that the subscriber is still waitingfor authentication.Click on a link to view theassociated subscriber