H OTS POT GATEWAY ™System Administration 199Deleting Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Delete}Static Port-Mapping allows the network administrator to setup a port mappingscheme that forwards packets received on a specific port to a particular static IP(typically private and mis-configured) and port number on the subscriber side of theHSG. The advantage for the network administrator is that free private IP addressescan be used to manage devices (such as Access Points) on the subscriber side of theHSG without setting them up with public IP addresses.This procedure shows you how to add static ports.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Static Port-Mapping Delete.The Delete Static Port-Mapping Entries screen appears:2. Enter the External IP Address and/or the External Port of the item you want todelete.3. Click on the Delete button to delete the static port, or click on the Reset button toreset your changes to their previous state.For more information about Static Port-Mapping, see also: “Displaying the Static Port Mapping Table {Static Port-Mapping}” onpage 125. “Adding Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Add}” on page 197.