H OTS POT GATEWAY ™Quick Reference Guide 249Setting Up the Portal PageSystem administrators can create login button(s) on the Portal Page, and can setup“http” links for regular logins, secure logins, or both. When subscribers enter thePortal Page, they can then choose either a regular login or a secure login. To setup thePortal Page, add the following:For Regular Logins:http://usg_ip:1111/usg/login?OS=http://after_login_finished_page.htmlFor Secure Logins:https://Certificate_DNS_Name:1112/usg/login?OS=http://after_login_finished_page.htmlMirroring Billing RecordsMultiple HSG units can send copies of credit card and Property Management System(PMS) billing records to a number of external servers that have been previouslydefined by system administrators. The HSG assumes control of billing transmissionsand saving billing records. By effectively “mirroring” the billing data, the HSG cansend copies of billing records to predefined “carbon copy” servers.Additionally, if the primary and secondary servers are down, the HSG can store up to2,000 PMS or credit card transaction records. The HSG regularly attempts to connectwith the primary and secondary servers. When a connection is re-established (witheither server), the HSG sends the cached information to the server. Customers can beconfident that their billing information is secure and that no transaction records arelost.This document describes the process used by the HSG for mirroring billing records,and is organized into the following sections: Sending billing records XML Interface Web Management Interface (WMI) configurations