H OT S POT G ATEWAY ™214 Quick Reference GuideConfiguration Menu ItemsItem DescriptionAAA Establishes the AAA service options.Access Control To enable secure administration of the product, the HSGincorporates a master access control list that checks thesource (IP address) of administrator logins. A login ispermitted only if a match is made with the master listcontained on the HSG. If a match is not made, the loginis denied, even if a correct login name and password aresupplied. The access control list supports up to 50 (fifty)entries in the form of a specific IP address or range of IPaddresses.Additionally, the HSG offers access control based on thetype of Interface being used. This feature allowsadministrators to block access from Telnet, WebManagement, and FTP sources.Auto Configuration Provides an effortless and rapid method for configuringdevices for fast network roll-outs.Bandwidth Management Manages the bandwidth for subscribers, defined in Kbps(Kilobits per seconds) for both upstream anddownstream data transmissions.Bill Record Mirroring Configures the HSG to send copies of billing records toexternal servers.Centralized Management The NOMADIX™ Centralized Management System(CMS) application allows system administrators toupgrade the firmware for all HSG products on theircustomer’s network from a centralized user interface.This feature is optional, provided as a stand-aloneapplication delivered on CD-ROM.DHCP Assigns the HSG as its own DHCP server, or enables theDHCP relay for an external server.DNS Sets up the DNS parameters, including the host name,domain, and the primary and secondary DNS servers.Home Page Redirect Redirects the subscriber’s browser to a specified homepage.