309 Options MenuSeveral options are available to configure your UC5™ system to operate in different modes.Navigate to the UC5™ Settings Menu (Section 8.1) and choose Options as shown in Figure18. The first screen of the Options menu is shown in Figure 19.* The screens of virtual terminal may be different from the figures as shown in this section.Figure 18: Selecting Options Menu Figure 19: Options Menu9.1 Remote SwitchesWhen remote switches are enabled, the UC5™ can be put into Automatic or Manual Modeusing a remote switch connected to the Remote Auto and manual input lines. This feature canstill be used in conjunction with the Remote Auto line as the trigger in Headland Mode. TheRemote Auto and manual input lines are located on the UC5™ Input Module.To activate Automatic Mode, momentarily apply system voltage (+12 VDC) to the RemoteAuto line. The voltage must always be applied after the display has been powered up. TheUC5™ will not go into Automatic Mode if voltage is applied to the Remote Auto input linebefore the system is powered up.To activate Manual Mode, momentarily apply system voltage to the Remote Manual line. TheRemote Manual function always has priority over the Automatic function. The pin location ofthe input lines is different based on the sprayer configuration.If the UC5™ Input Module is driving the roll (slant) output:The Remote Auto line is located on pin 6 and pin 7 (either pin may be used) on the Thru 1connector on the Input Module.The Remote Manual line is located on pin 4 and pin 9 (either pin may be used) on the Thru 2connector on the Input Module.For all other applications:The Remote Auto line is located on pin 6 and pin 7 (either pin may be used) on the Thru 1connector on the Input Module.The Remote Manual line is located on pin 5 and pin 8 (either pin may be used) on the Thru 1connector on the Input Module.