Configuring non-zero S2 IP Addresses 171System or a CS 1000E, a TN mismatch occurs and redirection fromBranch Office to main office is not successful.• If the MG 1000B TPS is unavailable, IP Phones at the main office orBranch Office have no access to TDM resources (digital and analogtelephones or PSTN trunks) at the Branch Office, whether the IP Phonesare registered using S1 or S2.• Bandwidth management zones, emergency access, and time of daycontinue to work normally, regardless of whether an IP Phone isregistered using S1 or S2.• If the MGC and CP PM at the Branch Office are initialized or rebootedsimultaneously, MG 1000B IP Phones can register using S1 or S2. Inthis case, an administrator must manually redirect the S2-registered IPPhones to register using S1 again.• If the main office contains a survivable remote gateway, then MG 1000BIP Phones can register successfully using either S1 or S2 when themain office Call Server becomes unavailable.• MG 1000B IP Phones registered to the main office using S2 are notredirected to the MG 1000B TPS during IP Phone firmware upgradeat the main office. MG 1000B IP Phones registered using S2 receivefirmware upgrades in the same manner as main office IP Phones. Thefirst time the MG 1000B IP Phone reboots after the firmware upgrade,it is directed to the MG 1000B TPS using S1. Any different firmware isapplied at that time, before the IP Phone is redirected back to the mainoffice TPS.• MG 1000B IP Phones registered using S1 are redirected back to theMG 1000B Signaling Server for any firmware upgrades, as described in"Firmware downloads" (page 345).• MG 1000B IP Phones registered using S2 do not display "Test LocalMode."Configuring the S2 IP Address parameterFor detailed information on configuring IP Phones, refer to IP PhonesFundamentals (NN43001-368). This section contains a brief summary.To configure the S2 parameter, do the following:Step Action1 Reboot the MG 1000B IP Phone.2 When the "Nortel" banner displays, quickly press the four keys underthe display in sequence, from left to right.Nortel Communication Server 1000Branch Office Installation and CommissioningNN43001-314 01.02 StandardRelease 5.0 20 June 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.