Chapter 4 Policy-enabled networks 287Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2When the power is turned on, ports are assigned to the default interface group(role combination), which is named allBPSIfcs. So, if you install a filter withoutcreating or specifying another interface group, that filter will, by default, beinstalled in the default interface group, which applies to all ports.Metering or traffic policing overviewQoS traffic policing, which operates at ingress, provides different levels of serviceto data streams through user-configurable parameters. A meter is used to measurethe traffic stream against a traffic profile, which you create. Thus, creating metersyields In-Profile and Out-of-Profile traffic.Using meters, you set a Committed Rate in Kb/s (1000 bits per second in eachKb/s). All traffic within this Committed Rate is In-Profile. Additionally, you set aMaximum Burst Rate that specifies an allowed data burst larger than theCommitted Rate for a brief period. After you set the Maximum Burst Rate, thesystem helps you choose the Duration for this burst. Combined, these parametersdefine the In-Profile traffic.An example of traffic policing is limiting traffic entering a port to a specifiedbandwidth, such as 25 Kb/s (Committed Rate). Instead of dropping all traffic thatexceeds this threshold, you can configure a Maximum Burst Rate to exceed thethreshold (Committed Rate), for a brief period of time (Duration), without beingdropped.Note: You must remove all ports from an interface group in order todelete it.You cannot delete an interface group that is referenced by apolicy.Note: Burst rate and duration are used to determine burst size.