Page 68 of 430 Nortel IP Phone 2002553-3001-368 Standard 7.00 August 2005Cleaning the IP Phone display screenGently wipe the IP Phone display screen with a soft, dry cloth.Programmable line (DN)/feature key label displayThe feature key label area displays a ten-character string for each of the fourfeature keys. Each feature key includes the key label and an icon. The iconstate can be on, off, or flashing. Key labels are left-aligned for keys on the leftside of the screen, and right-aligned for keys on the right side of the screen.Note: If a label is longer than ten characters, the last ten characters aredisplayed and the excess characters are deleted from the beginning of thestring.Soft key label displayA maximum of ten functions can be assigned to the soft keys. Your systemadministrator assigns functions to the soft keys in layers.Use the More.. soft key to navigate through the layers of functions. If thereare only four functions assigned to the soft keys, the More.. key does notappear and all four functions are displayed.The soft key label has a maximum six characters. Each soft key includes thesoft key label and an icon. When a soft key is in use, a flashing icon displaysat the beginning of the soft key label, and the label shifts one character to theright. (If the label is six characters long, the last or rightmost character istruncated.) If a feature is enabled, the icon state turns to On. It remains in theon state until the feature key is pressed again. This cancels the enabled featureand turns the icon off, returning the soft key label to its original state.CAUTIONDo not use any liquids or powders on the IP Phone.Using anything other than a soft, dry cloth cancontaminate IP Phone components and cause prematurefailure.