238 Appendix K System region attributesN0027152 01N0027152 01CallPilot regionsThe CallPilot portion of the BCM50 application also has a region setting that defines somecall-management-related system defaults.The CallPilot region is specified at system initialization and start up when you run the Quick StartWizard. You can also change this setting under System, Identification.Table 61 lists the default prime language for the countries (regions) where the voice mailapplication is supported.DPNSS A digital private network signaling system which allows phone systems from differentmanufacturers to be tied together over E1 lines, offering significant enhancements toBCM50 networking capabilities.DPNSS makes it easier to support centralized network functionality within private networks,for operators and attendants dealing with large numbers of calls. Its routing capabilitiesprovide more of the larger-network capabilities without the expense of installing a newsystem, re-configuring all the nodes and worrying about a lot of downtime. Mostfunctionality over DPNSS lines is transparent once the DPNSS is programmed into thesystem.DPNSS allows a local node, acting as a terminating node, to communicate with other PBXsover the network using E1 lines. For example, corporate offices separated geographicallycan be linked over DPNSS lines to other BCM50 systems, bypassing the restrictions of thePSTNs to which they may be connected. This allows connected BCM50 systems tofunction like a private network.Analog trunk types:Loop start Standard PSTN telephone line.Table 61 CallPilot region default languages by countryCountryDefault voice maillanguage CountryDefault voice maillanguageNorth America NA English Germany GermanUK UK English Global NA EnglishAustralia NA English Italy ItalianDenmark Danish Norway NorwegianHolland Dutch Spain SpanishSweden Swedish Switzerland GermanCALA LA Spanish Hong Kong NA EnglishCaribbean NA English PRC MandarinEurope UK EnglishTable 60 Digital trunk types and descriptions (Sheet 2 of 2)Digital trunktypesDescription