256 Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration GuideIndex Standard 2.1Display Logsdefinitions 220display messagesbandwidth limit 148going offline 147hostless mode 147offline mode 147online mode 148port already in use 148port not logged in 148release and try again 148documentsrelated xxiidownloadM3904 digital telephone setsFlash upgrade 44DSPDSP Statistics screen 177DSP application modulesHardware Statistics 177 , 181DSP limit 144display messagedisplay messagesDSP limit 149DSP Statistics screen 177Eelectromagnetic compatibility 243AS 3548 Class B (Australia) 243Class A of FCC Part 15, Subpart J 243CSPR B requirements 243margin 243electromagnetic immunity 244electrostatic discharge 245emergencyservice number description 51emergency callsplacing 150emergency code 92emergency service calls 150emergency service calls feature 150EN90650 242equipmentequipment attachment notices 239equipment attachment notices 239Industry Canada 240Err 184EthernetEthernet Interface Statistics screen 181Ethernet Interface StatisticsAdmin 183Channel 183Disc 184Err 184Ifc Type 183IfcNo 183LAN Drv 183MPkts 184MTU Len 183Oper 183QLen 185Rx - Octet 183Speed 183Tx - Octet 184UPkts 183Ethernet Interface Statistics screen 181extracting upgrade files from the download file194Ffeaturescall forward 47call transfer 151call waiting 47 , 150host-controlled mode 151conference 47, 152hold 47transfer 47firmwareextracting upgrade files 194upgradedownloading files 193performing 196Flash upgradeM39xx digital telephone setsdownload time 44