15SRG200/400 Release 1.5 Configuration GuideChapter 2Introducing SRG200/400 Release 1.5The SRG200/400 Release 1.5 is a software application that leverages the BCM 4.0 platform usingthe BCM200/400 hardware. It is optimized to provide feature transparency to the main office callserver and to act as a survival remote gateway in a branch office environment.Creating the SRG200/400 Release 1.5An SRG200/400 Release 1.5 is created by applying the appropriate SRG keycode to a functionalBCM 4.0 system.The BCM 4.0 Installation Checklist and Quick Start Guide is provided on the SRG200/400Release 1.5 Documentation CD that is shipped with your SRG200/400 Release 1.5 system.Instructions in that guide are referenced in the following procedures. Also, the relevant BCM 4.0default IP addresses, user names, and passwords are excerpted from that guide and provided foryour reference in Table 2 and Table 3.Applying SRG200/400 Release 1.5 keycodeTo create an SRG200/400, use Nortel Business Element Manager to activate the SRG keycode ona BCM 4.0 system.To enable the SRG200/400 Release 1.5 application1 Locate the SRG authorization codes supplied with your product.2 Open Element Manager (see the BCM 4.0 Installation Checklist and Quick Start Guide).3 With Element Manager, connect to the BCM system that you want to convert to an SRG (seethe BCM 4.0 Installation Checklist and Quick Start Guide).Table 2 BCM 4.0 default IP addressesPort IP address Subnet maskLAN 1 2 3 BCM 4.0 default user names and passwordsTool User ID| User Name PasswordElement Manager nnadmin PlsChgMe!Onbox main web page(http:// [IP address]nnadmin PlsChgMe!