Chapter 5 Setting up IP telephones 61SRG200/400 Release 1.5 Configuration Guide• Alarm setEnter a DN to a two-line analog telephone, since the IP telephones will not be able to accessthe alarms, or set to None if you do not want to use an alarm set on the system.• Language and ContrastLanguage and Contrast are DN-specific settings and are configured at Configuration >Telephony > Sets > All DNs > All DNs panel > Capabilities and Preferences tab > Detailsfor DN subpanel > Preferences tab.Features not supported in local mode include: Hot Desking, Do Not Disturb, Page, Call Forward,Background Music, Call Park, Call Pickup, Speed Dial, and Conference.911 Emergency Services SupportFor IP telephones in local mode, and for other telephones at the SRG, the BCM 4.0 NetworkingConfiguration Guide provides details for configuration of 911 emergency services.For redirected IP telephones in normal mode, the IP telephone is registered with the main officecall server. Ensure that the main office call server is configured so that a 911 call from an IPtelephone at the SRG is routed back to the SRG’s local PSTN. “Configuring for EmergencyServices Access (ESA)” on page 42 includes a procedure for configuring the SRG for CS 1000Emergency Services Access.