INSTALLING UPGRADES > 124ADJUSTING WINDOWS PRINTER DRIVERSOnce your new upgrade has been installed, you may need to updatethe Windows printer driver so that the additional features areavailable to your Windows applications.Remember that if your printer is shared between users on differentcomputers, the driver must be adjusted on each user’s machine.The illustrations shown here are for Windows XP. Other Windowsversions may appear slightly different, but the principles are thesame.PCL DRIVERIf you have installed a memory upgrade it is not necessary to changethe PCL printer driver, and you can ignore this section.If you have installed a duplex unit or hard disk, proceed as follows:1. Open the Printers window (called“Printers and Faxes” inWindows XP) via the Start Menu orfrom the Windows Control Panel.2. Right-click the printer icon for thisprinter, and choose Propertiesfrom the pop-up menu.3. On the Device Options tab, checkthe box for the upgrade you havejust installed.4. Click OK to close the properties window, and then close thePrinters window.