WINDOWS 9X/ME DIFFERENCES > 32WINDOWS 9X/ME DIFFERENCESScreen presentations of Windows 9x/Me, together with someprocedures, are significantly different from other versions of Windows(2000/XP etc.). This Chapter deals mainly with these variations. Ifnecessary, reference should be made to the relevant subject or on-line help for more information.PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWSPCL OR POSTSCRIPTTwo printer drivers are supplied with your printer: one for PCLemulation, and the other for PostScript 3 emulation. If you printmainly from general “Office” applications choose the PCL driver. Forfaster printing of PDF documents, choose PostScript. Also choosePostScript if you print mainly from professional DTP and graphicsapplications.PRINTING PREFERENCES IN WINDOWSAPPLICATIONSWhen you choose to print yourdocument from a Windowsapplication program a printdialogue box appears. Thisdialogue usually specifies thename of the printer on which youwill print your document. Next tothe printer name is a Propertiesbutton.NOTEWith both drivers - if optional accessories such as a Hard Disk or Duplexunit are fitted, ensure that they are enabled in the Start/Settings/Printers/Properties/Device options dialogue.YOUR PRINTER