OVERLAYS AND MACROS > 86OVERLAYS AND MACROSWHAT ARE OVERLAYS AND MACROS?If you would like to print on special stationery, such as forms andletterhead, but do not want to use pre-printed stationery, you cancreate your own using these advanced features.You can use PostScript overlays to generate all your special stationeryand store it in the printer for use whenever you need it. If you havechosen to install the PCL driver, macros perform a similar function.You can create several overlays or macros, and combine them in anyway you like to produce a variety of forms and other specialstationery. Each image can be printed on just the first page of adocument, on all pages, on alternate pages, or just the pages that youspecify.NOTEPostScript overlays are not available for Windows 95/98/Me.