- 88 -Network Setting Items5 5. Network SettingsShaded text indicates the factory default setting.ItemSetting DescriptionTELNET WebbrowserConfigurationTool(NetworkSetting Plug-in)NetworkCard Setup(Windows)NetworkCardSetup(Mac)PrintingPaper ErrorPeriod 1-5Printing PaperError- - - ENABLE Set whether to notifyof errors concerningpaper feed. This settingis available only whenselecting [PERIOD].DISABLEStorageDeviceEvent 1-5StorageDevice- - - DISABLE Set whether to notify oferrors concerning storagedevices. This settingis available only whenselecting [EVENT].Immediate-48H 45MENABLEStorageDevicePeriod 1-5StorageDevice- - - ENABLE Set whether to notify oferrors concerning storagedevices. This settingis available only whenselecting [PERIOD].DISABLEPrint ResultWarningEvent 1-5Print ResultWarning- - - DISABLE Set whether to notifyof warnings concerningtroubles affecting printresults. This settingis available only whenselecting [EVENT].Immediate-48H 45MENABLEPrint ResultWarningPeriod 1-5Print ResultWarning- - - ENABLE Set whether to notify oferrors concerning troublesaffecting print results.This setting is availableonly when selecting[PERIOD].DISABLEPrintingPaper ErrorEvent 1-5Printing PaperError- - - DISABLE Set whether to notify oferrors concerning troublesaffecting print results.This setting is availableonly when selecting[EVENT].Immediate-2H 0M-48H 45MENABLEPrint ResultError Period1-5Printing PaperError- - - ENABLE Set whether to notify anerror relating a troubleaffecting a print result.This setting is availableonly when selecting[PERIOD].DISABLEInterfaceWarningEvent 1-5InterfaceWarning- - - DISABLE Set whether to notifyof warnings concerninginterfaces (network, etc.).This setting is availableonly when selecting[EVENT].Immediate-48H 45MENABLEInterfaceWarningPeriod 1-5InterfaceWarning- - - ENABLE Set whether to notifyof warnings concerninginterfaces (network, etc.).This setting is availableonly when selecting[PERIOD].DISABLE