- 95 -Network Setting Items5 5. Network SettingsShaded text indicates the factory default setting.ItemSetting DescriptionTELNET WebbrowserConfigurationTool(NetworkSetting Plug-in)NetworkCard Setup(Windows)NetworkCardSetup(Mac)MACAddress#1-50MAC Address#1-50- - - 00:00:00:00:00:00Specify the MACaddresses that areallowed to accessthe printer. Entering“00:00:00:00:00:00”disables the setting.Admin MACAddressAdministrator’sMAC Addressto Register- - - 00:00:00:00:00:00Set the MAC addressof the administrator.Only this address canalways access theprinter. Remember thatwhen the administratoraccesses the printer viaa proxy server, this itemis set to the address ofthe proxy server andall access via the proxyserver is allowed. It isrecommended that theadministrator accessesthe printer without usinga proxy server. SSL/TLSShaded text indicates the factory default setting.ItemSetting DescriptionTELNET WebbrowserConfigurationTool(NetworkSetting Plug-in)NetworkCard Setup(Windows)NetworkCardSetup(Mac)Cipher(SSL/TLS)SSL/TLS - - - ON Set whether to use SSL/TLS.OFFCipherStrengthCipherStrength- - - Weak Set the cypher strength.StandardStrong- CertificateGeneration- - - Use a Self-signedcertificate (Self-signed certificate)Generate a self-signedcertificate. Or, generatea CSR to send to acertificate authority andinstall a certificate issuedby a certificate authority.Use a certificatesigned by acertificateauthority(Certificate-authority-signedcertificate)- CommonName- - - (IP address ofprinter)This item is fixed to theIP address of the printerwhen generating a self-signed certificate.- Organization - - - (NULL) Organization name:Specify the official nameof your organization. Upto 64 characters can beentered.