I-100 IndexC9800 Color Guide - 100PostScript Color Matching option 1-29PPD 1-27, 1-29Presentation rendering style 1-18Print Mode option 1-16print optionsColorWise 1-16 to 1-21Mac OS 1-29 to 1-31setting defaults 3-83Windows 1-27 to 1-28printer driversMac OS 1-29 to 1-31two-waycommunication 1-22, 1-23, 1-26Windows 1-27 to 1-28Profile Managerbacking up profiles 3-60defining profiles 3-61deleting profiles 3-60downloading profiles 3-58setting defaults 3-57profiles, see ICC profilesPure Black Text/Graphics option 1-17, 1-19QQuick setting, CMYK Simulation Methodoption 1-24RRelative Colorimetric rendering style 1-18Rendering Style option 1-17rendering styles 12, 1-15, 1-17, 1-18RGB imagesdefining source profiles for 1-22, 3-56PostScript and non-PostScriptconversion 1-23RGB Separation option 1-17, 1-25RGB Source Profile option 1-15, 1-17, 1-22SSAIFF format B-95 to B-97Saturation ICC rendering style 1-18separationsprinting 1-19, 1-21, 1-26target color space 1-17, 1-25Setup, default color controls set in 1-16simulations, custom 1-23Source 1-10 setting, RGB Source Profileoption 1-22spectrometer, see spectrophotometerspectrophotometerDTP41 2-50 to 2-52, A-84 to A-90Spot Color Matching option 1-17, 1-21spot colors, matching to CMYKequivalents 1-21, 3-70 to 3-82Spot-On 3-70Spot Color Matching option 1-17sRGB, RGB Source Profileoption 1-22, 3-56Status T B-95SWOP setting, CMYK Simulation Profileoption 1-23, 3-56Ttargets, for calibration 2-35Test Page 2-37transfer functions 2-35two-way communication 1-22, 1-23, 1-26Uundercolor removal (UCR) 1-23WWhite Point option 1-16Windows color management options 1-27to 1-28