33-59 Profile ManagerC9800 Color Guide - 593. When the profile you want to download appears in the list in the main Profile Managerwindow, select it.If the profile is compatible with the Fiery, a green arrow indicates that theprofile is available for downloading. Only output device profiles aredownloadable to Simulation and Output. Only input device profiles aredownloadable to RGB Source.N OTE : On Windows computers, the profiles must have an extension of .icc or .icm tobe listed. On Mac OS computers, the profiles must have a file type of “profile.”All ICC profiles in the selected directory on your computer are displayed in the list inthe main Profile Manager window. However, because a profile is listed does notnecessarily mean it can be downloaded to the Fiery.Simulation profiles should be profiles only for those devices you want the Fiery tomatch in terms of color output characteristics. Output profiles should be profiles onlyfor the printer to which you print. Although you can download CMYK printer profilesas Simulation or Output, consider how they will be used. If you want the Fiery printsto look like another printer, download that profile as a Simulation.4. Click the arrow to download the profile and click OK when the download is complete.The new profile now appears in the list of profiles on the right side of the ProfileManager main window.For Mac OS computers, this profile must be associated with one of the predefinednames (Source-1 through Source-10 for RGB Source, Simulation-1 throughSimulation-10 for Simulation, or Output-1 through Output-10 for Output) or set asthe default before it can be used. For Windows computers, all profiles can appear inthe printer driver by their profile descriptions (see “Defining profiles” on page 3-61).N OTE : When an output profile is downloaded, it inherits the calibration target of thecurrent default output profile.Editing profilesYou can customize the profiles on the Fiery to meet your specific needs and thecharacteristics of your C9800 printer using Color Editor, either directly or throughProfile Manager. For more information on editing profiles, see “Color Editor” onpage 3-63.