AA-90 Color Measurement InstrumentsC9800 Color Guide - 908. Click Calibrate DTP-41.The Instrument Calibration dialog box appears.9. If you have not already done so, remove the shipping spacer from the measurementpage slot.10. Insert the end of the Color Reflection Reference strip into the calibration stripentrance on the DTP41. Center the arrow on the strip below the alignment mark (seethe diagram on page A-85), and slide the strip into the DTP41 until you feel the resis-tance of the feed mechanism.11. Click Read Reference in the Instrument Calibration dialog box.The DTP41 pulls the calibration strip through automatically.A message appears in the Status area when the calibration is finished.12. Click Done.13. Close the Utilities window.This completes DTP41 calibration.When the DTP41 requires calibration, your computer prompts you. When theprompt message appears, click Calibrate Now and follow the instructions, startingwith step 8 on page A-90.After calibrating the DTP41, calibrate the Fiery (see page 2-50).