AA-93 Color Measurement InstrumentsC9800 Color Guide - 934. Plug the small connector on the adapter cable into the side of the X-Rite DTP32 andplug the AC adapter into a wall outlet.5. Turn on the computer.6. Calibrate the DTP32 (see the following section).7. Calibrate the Fiery using ColorWise Pro Tools and the DTP32 (see page 2-53).Calibrating the DTP32You will need the black-and-white X-Rite Auto-Cal Strip included with thedensitometer. Calibrating the densitometer does not require ColorWise Pro Tools.TO CALIBRATE THE X-R ITE DTP321. Connect the densitometer to the computer and supply power (see page A-91).2. From the Main Menu on the X-Rite DTP32 display, press the p1 key once to reach p2.3. Press the cal key.Calibrating motor speed is displayed, followed by the words INSERT CAL STRIP.AC adapterSmall connector