Operation > 86ADVANCED OPERATIONUsing the options available on the touch screen, you can alter the fax output to suit yourneeds:NO. FEATURE OPTION DESCRIPTION1 Others Duplex Scan OFF, Right&Left,TopSelect the bound originals bindingposition.Scan Size Auto, A3, B4, A4,A4 (LEF), B5 (LEF),A5 (LEF), Letter,Letter (LEF),Tabloid, Legal 14,H.LTR(LEF)Allows you to select the paper size tomatch the document size.Group Tx 01 - 32 Select the required group dial number.Use the on-screen arrows to scrolled tothe next page.Cont. Scan OFF, ON Select ON to continue scanning furtherpages. Allows you to construct a singlescan job from multiple individual sheetsor originals. Refer to “Continuous scanmode” on page 116 for details.TTI OFF, ON Prints TTI information on the header ofthe transmitted fax.TTI Select user defined Select the user defined TTI header.Note: TTI must be ON.MCF Report OFF, ON Select ON to print a fax confirmationafter transmission.Delayed Tx user defined Delayed transmission allows you to faxdocuments at a specific date and time.Up to one hundred transmission timescan be scheduled up to one month inadvance.Polling OFF, ON Polling is a process in which documentsare loaded into a machine, and themachine is then set to wait for a call froma remote location before faxing.This mode will allow you to retrievedocuments from a remote fax machine.123456