2 – 18The following options are used when the parallel interface is selected.I-Prime: Buffer print—when this signal is received, the printer is initialised after thebuffer data is printed. Buffer clear—the printer is initialised after the current line hasbeen printed. Invalid—This signal is ignored.Pin 18: This pin supplies 5V or open circuit as required by external device whenconnected to interface.Auto Feed XT(Epson emulation only): There is normally no Line Feed after aCarriage Return if the Auto Line Feed is set to NO. However, in the Epson emulation,if the Auto Line Feed is set to NO and the Auto Feed XT is set to valid, a Line Feedis executed upon an Auto Feed signal on pin 14 of the parallel interface. This exceptionmay be necessary for some hardware/software combinations.The following options are used only if the serial interface is selected (see AppendixC for details).Parity: Selects parity.Serial Data 7- or 8- Bits: Selects data format. When the Serial Data 7- or 8- Bits isset to 7, the Parity must be set to either ODD or EVEN. 7- Bit Serial Data will not beprinted correctly if the Parity is set to NONE.Protocol: Selects interface protocol.Diagnostic Test: Activates the printer’s interface diagnostic test.Busy Line: Selects line used for busy signal.Baud Rate: Selects data transmission speed.