Bottom Feed Line Spacing6 LPI, 8 LPI Sets the distancebetween lines in linesper inch.Form Tear Off Form Tear OffOff,500 mS, 1 sec, 2 secActivate the form tearoff feature (page 16)by select-ing a timefor the printer to waitafter data beforeadvancing the page totea-roff. If yoursoftware pausesduring printing andcauses the paper tobounce, select alonger time ordeactivate thefea-ture.Skip Over PerforationNo, Yes When set to Yes, atbottom of page skips1 inch to next top ofform. Use only forunformatted listings orprograms that dontfor-mat the page.Page Width13.6²,8² The 8² settingemulates a narrowcarriage printer. If youalways use 8 1 /2 ²paper, choose thissetting to preventprinting on the platen.Page Length Page Length11², 112/3²,12²,14², 17²,3²,3.5²,4², 5.5², 6²,7²,8²,8.5²Top Feed Line Spacing6 LPI, 8 LPI Sets the distancebetween lines in linesper inch.Skip Over PerforationNo, Yes When set to Yes, atbottom of page skips1 inch to next top ofform. Use only forunformatted listings orprograms that dontfor-mat the page.Page Width13.6²,8² The 8² settingemulates a narrowcarriage printer. If youalways use 8 1 /2 ²paper, choose thissetting to preventprinting on the platen.ML3410 ( 96-02-07 )