Left Margin Set ESC 1 n 27 108 n 1B 6C n Sets left margin ncharacter spacesfrom printheadhome position;must be at least 2spaces to left ofright margin. n=0to 255Right Margin Set ESC Q n 27 81 n 1B 51 n Sets right margin ncharacter spacesfrom printheadhome position;must be greaterthan the leftmargin. n=0 to 255Auto Justification ESC a n 27 97 n 1B 61 n Justifies textaccording to thevalue of n: n=0:left justificationn=1: centerjustification n=2:right justificationn=3: full (left &right)justificationusecarriage returnonly at end ofparagraph.Print Direction ESC U n 27 85 n 1B 55 n Printsunidirectionally(left to right only)or bidirectionally(left to right, thenright to left)according to valueof n: n=1:unidirectional n=0:bidirectionalOne LineUnidirectionalPrintingESC 27 60 1B 3C Printsunidirectionally(left to right) forone line.Backspace BS 8 08 Prints data inbuffer and movesone character tothe left accordingto the currentcharacter pitch.Delete OneCharacterDEL 127 7F Deletes lastcharacter put intothe print buffer.ML3410 ( 96-02-07 )