Double Width(Expanded)PrintingESC W n 27 87 n 1B 57 n n=1: Start doublewidth printing n=0:Stop double widthprintingImmediate DoubleWidthSO or ESC SO 14 or 27 14 0E or 1B 0E Prints double widthonly to end of line;can also becanceled by DC4,ESC W 0 and ESC! commands.Stop ImmediateDouble WidthPrintingDC4 20 14 Only cancelsdouble width setby SO or ESC SO.Double HeightPrintingESC w n 27 119 n 1B 77 n n=1: Start doubleheight n=0: Stopdouble heightGraphics For all graphicscommands thenumber of dotcolumns of graphicdata is as follows:dots=n + (n256)Print Graphics ESC * m n n[graphic data]27 42 m n n[graphic data]1B 2A m n n[graphic data]Selects 8-pingraphic mode andprints graphicdata. m=0: Singledensity, 60 dpim=1: Doubledensity, 120 dpim=2: Fast doubledensity, quasi-120dpi m=3:Quadruple density,quasi-240 dpim=4: CRT I, 80 dpim=5: Plotter, 72dpi m=6: CRT II,90 dpi m=7: DDPlotter, 144 dpiSingle DensityGraphicsESC K n n[graphic data]27 75 n n [graphicdata]1B 4B n n [graphicdata]Same as ESC *``0.''Double DensityGraphicsESC L n n [graphicdata]27 76 n n [graphicdata]1B 4C n n [graphicdata]Same as ESC *``1.''Quasi-DoubleDensity GraphicsESC Y n n[graphic data]27 89 n n [graphicdata]1B 59 n n [graphicdata]Same as ESC *``2.'' Same as lowspeed doubledensity, but printercan't put twoadjacent dots inthe same row.ML3410 ( 96-02-07 )