data = Hex or binary data to describe the graphic imageGPaaaaa,(data) PCX Graphics. Prints a graphic with standard PCX format. Page 47aaaaa = Number of bytes to be downloaded.GRaaa Expansion Memory Function. Recalls custom designed character Page 75from expansion = Graphics storage number (1 ~ 999).Haaaa Horizontal Position. Specifies a field’s horizontal location across the Page 56width of the label from the current base reference point. The units ofmeasurement are dots.aaaa = Number of dots horizontally from the base reference point1 to 832.J Journal Print. Provides the ability to print text line by line. Fixed Page 48spacing between lines and characters.Kab90cc Recall Custom Designed Characters. Recalls for printing a custom Page 22character stored by the Tabcc(data) command.a = 1 16x16 matrix2 24x24 matrixb = Specifies the character encoding method for the data streamH hexadecimal charactersB Binary charactersIf B is specified than both 90 and cc codes are represented by onebyte code = Code to store/recall the character. Valid code ranges are 21H to52H in Hex or “!” to “R” in Binary.(data) = Data to describe the character image either in Hex or Binaryformat.Laabb Character Expansion. Expands character in both directions. Page 24aa = Multiple to expand horizontally (01~12).bb = Multiple to expand vertically (01~12).LDa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i Protocol Code Select. Selects the hexadecimal protocol codes to be Page 89used.103All manuals and user guides at