Custom Protocol Command CodesDownloadCommand Structure LD,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,ia = Replacement character for STX in ASCII or hex formatb = Replacement character for ETX in ASCII or hex formatc = Replacement character for ESC in ASCII or hex formatd = Replacement character for ENQ in ASCII or hex formate = Replacement character for CAN in ASCII or hex formatf = Replacement character for NULL in ASCII or hex formatg = Replacement character for OFFLINE in ASCII or hex formatExample: LD,{,},%,#,&,*,~,0,0Placement: Immediately following the A Start command and in anIndependent data stream.Default: Standard Protocol command CodesCommand Function Allows the user to define custom Protocol Command codes.Input to Printer ALD,{,},%,#,&,*,~,0,0ZPrinter Output A Protocol Command code status label will be printed as a result of thesuccessful download of a custom set of Protocol Command codes.STX=7B ETX=7D ESC=25NULL=2A OFFLINE=7ESpecial Notes 1. Commas must be used to separate the parameters. If a parameter is omittedbetween two commas, the default Non-Standard Protocol Command codes forthat parameter will be used.89All manuals and user guides at