Font, VectorCommand Structure Specify Vector Font: $a,b,c,dData Vector Font: $=(data)a = A Helvetica Bold (proportional spacing).B Helvetica Bold (fixed spacing).b = Font width (24~999 dots)c = Font height (24~999 dots)d = Font variation (0~9) as follows:0 Standard1 Standard open (outlined)2 Gray (mesh) pattern 13 Gray (mesh) pattern 24 Gray (mesh) pattern 35 Standard open, shadow 16 Standard open, shadow 27 Standard mirror image8 Italic9 Italic open, shadowExample: $A,100,200,0$=123456Placement: Immediately preceding data to be printed.Default: NoneCommand Function To specify printing of the unique vector font. The vector font allowslarge characters to be printed with smooth, round edges. Each character is madeof a number of vectors (or outlines), and will require slightly more printerprocessing time.Input to Printer AH100V100$A,100,100,0$=OKIH100V200$=VECTOR FONT$A,200,300,8H100V350$=OKIQ1Z40All manuals and user guides at