6(8) HOME key Selects the HOME menu. This displays the selected conversion and allows allsettings to be viewed.(9) PRESET key Selects the PRESET menu. Allows up to sixteen system configurations to besaved and/or restored.(10) VIDEO IN key Selects the VIDEO IN menu. Allows the selection of SD and HD video inputs,auto input detection and film modes.(11) VIDEO OUT key Selects the VIDEO OUT menu. Allows the selection of SD and HD video outputsand field versus frame filtering for film derived outputs.(12) FILTER key Selects the FILTER menu. H and V filters and enhancement levels can beadjusted from this menu.(13) TIMING key Selects the TIMING menu. Reference selections and video phasing can beadjusted from this menu.(14) RESIZE key Selects the RESIZE menu. Pan, zoom and crop adjustments can be made here.(15) GAIN key Selects the GAIN menu. Video gain and black level adjustments can be madehere.(16) DIAG key Selects the DIAGnostics menu. When the warning light (17) is illuminated, errormessages can be viewed here. The status of all monitored systems can also beviewed here.(17) WARNING LED Signals a potential system problem. This will not light for masked errors.(18) AUDIO key Selects the AUDIO menu. Allows for audio channel mapping, synchronizationand delay adjustments.(19) TEST key Selects the TEST menu. Allows H, V and frame based test patterns to beselected as the video input. Frame patterns can also be saved and/orrestored here.(20) SETUP key Selects the SETUP menu. Background color, power-up mode, systempassword and time code mapping selections are available here.