Symptom Cause and solution Reference pagesWeb screen cannot be accessed• Has 554 been set as the HTTP port number?→ For the HTTP port numbers that can be used by the unit, refer to “HTTP port” (→PDF page 24).PDF page 24• Has the same IP address setting been used for another device?[When the unit and personal computer are connected in the same subnet]Set IP addresses for the unit and personal computer that are in the same subnet.Also, disable the “Use proxy server” setting in the Web browser. When accessing theunit within the same subnet, it is recommended that the unit’s address be set to the[Remove from proxy] address.[When the unit and personal computer are connected to different subnets]Check whether the default gateway value set for the unit is correct.PDF page 24Settings on the Web setup screen orthe camera images are not updatedor displayed properly• Enable the HTTP referer send function of the firewall function, etc. of theantivirus software.For details, refer to the instructions for the antivirus software.– – –For Windows:• Press the [F5] key on the computer's keyboard to request that the settings beacquired.For Mac:• Press the [Command] + [R] key on the computer's keyboard to request that thesettings be acquired.– – –• Perform the following to delete the temporary Internet files.For Windows:1 Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] in Internet Explorer.2 Click the [General] tab, and click the [Delete] button under [Browsing history].3 In the [Delete Browsing History] dialog box, select the [Temporary Internet Files]check box, and then click [Delete].4 Click the [OK] button.For Mac:1 Select [Safari] - [Empty Cache] in Safari.2 Click [Empty] in the [Are you sure you want to empty the cache?] pop-up screen.– – –• If [Check for newer versions of stored pages] is not set to [Every time I visit thewebpage] in the temporary Internet file settings, IP images may not appear in theWeb setup screen.For Windows:→ Perform the following.1 Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] in Internet Explorer.2 Click the [General] tab, and click the [Settings] button under [Browsing history].3 In the [Temporary Internet Files and History Settings] dialog box, select the [Everytime I visit the webpage] option under [Check for newer versions of stored pages].4 Click the [OK] button.– – –No pictures are displayed or thepictures are disturbed• Is the unit connected to the other devices correctly? page 19• If the system is configured in such a way that the picture is also switched when theunit to be operated is selected, has the correct unit been selected? – – –• Are [Format], [Down CONV. Mode], and [System Frequency] set correctly? PDF page 22Multiple color bands (color bars) aredisplayed • Switch to the camera picture. PDF page 25Something is wrong with thecoloring of the pictures• Set the white balance to ATW (auto). If the color is not correct even with ATW, seta white balance set. PDF page 21When fine lines or cyclical patternsare shot, flickering is seen orcoloring is added to them• This phenomenon occurs because the pixels are arranged systematically oneach image sensor. It is noticeable when the spatial frequency of a subject andthe pixel pitch are brought into proximity, so change the camera angle or takeother such action.– – –34Troubleshooting (continued)