Chapter 3 - System Features Q 39U LCD indication of caller information. Users can see caller information (both name andnumber) displayed while the incoming call is ringing their extension. This includes ISDNdigital messaging through the D-channel, also known as ANI (Automatic NumberIdentification).U Log of caller information. The Call Log keeps a record of the last 10 CID calls received atan individual phone, and allows the user to view the Log and select from it to place a call.Up to 20 phones per cabinet can have the Call Log feature.U SMDR recording. CID information can be sent to the RS232C serial port so that it can beprinted to a serial printer or call accounting system.U CID notice to CTI. CID information sent by the CO can be output to TAPI and other CTIdevices.Benefits:• Allows users to handle calls more efficiently by knowing who is calling before theyanswer.• Enables users to return calls that ring unanswered at their phones.CLASS OF SERVICE (COS) RESTRICTIONDescription:Specific feature restrictions can be placed on extensions or on trunks. There are up to 16definable classes of service for extensions, and 16 more for trunks. If no COS is assigned, mostfeatures are allowed.Benefits:• Allows users to have telephones customized to their needs.Applications:• Users with Single Line Telephones (SLTs) or those who need to limit access tovarious features on selected telephonesCONFERENCINGDescription:Any digital phone user can initiate a conference that includes from 3 to 7 other participants, whocan be either intercom phone users or outside parties. (NOTE: Optional equipment must beinstalled in the DBS 576HDcabinet to support more than 4 parties in a conference.) During a 3-party conference, a digital intercom phone participant can establish a private conversation withone of the other parties, then rejoin both to the conference. Since the system is digital, there isno internal dB loss during a conference - but you can still program additional dB gain/losssettings for conference calls.Benefits:• Saves time and money associated with conferencing geographically-separatedemployees, customers, etc.• Users can establish their own conference calls without auxiliary equipment.