Preparation20VQT0W88About the Battery(charging/number of recordablepictures)∫ Battery indicationThe remaining battery power appears onthe screen.• The battery indication turns red and blinks.(The status indicator blinks when the LCDmonitor turns off.) Recharge the battery orreplace it with fully charged battery.(This does not appear when using the ACadaptor.)∫ The battery lifeThe number of recordable pictureswhen using the Viewfinder(By CIPA standard in programme AE mode)Recording conditions by CIPA standard• Temperature: 23 °C /Humidity: 50% whenLCD monitor is on.• Using Panasonic’s SD Memory Card¢(128 MB; optional).• Using the supplied battery.• Using the supplied lens.• Starting recording 30 seconds after thecamera is turned on. (When the opticalimage stabilizer function is set to [MODE1])• Recording once every 30 seconds withfull flash every second recording.• Turn the camera off every 10 recordings.• CIPA is an abbreviation of “Camera &Imaging Products Association”.¢The card is optional.The number of recordable pictureswhen using the LCD monitor (Live View)(The conditions are the same as theCIPA standard.)Playback timeThe number of recordable pictures and theplayback time will vary depending on theoperating conditions of the unit and thestoring conditions of the battery.∫ ChargingThe charging time and number ofrecordable pictures with the optionalbattery pack (CGR-S603E) are the same asabove.• The [CHARGE] indicator lights whencharging starts.∫ When the [CHARGE] indicator flashes• The battery is over discharged(discharged excessively). In a while, the[CHARGE] indicator will light up andnormal charging will start.• When the battery temperature isexcessively high or low, the charging timewill be longer than normal.• When the operating time of the camerabecomes extremely short even after properlycharging the battery, the life of the batterymay have expired. Buy a new battery.∫ Charging conditions• Charge the battery in a temperaturebetween 10 oC to 35 oC. (The batterytemperature should also be the same.)• The performance of the battery maytemporarily deteriorate and the operatingtime may become shorter in lowtemperature conditions (e.g. skiing/snowboarding).Number ofrecordable picturesApprox. 450 pictures(Approx. 225 min)The number of recordable picturesvaries depending on the recordinginterval time. If the recording intervaltime becomes longer, the number ofrecordable pictures decreases.[e.g. When recording once every2 minutes, the number of recordablepictures decreases to about 110.]Number ofrecordable picturesApprox. 300 pictures(Approx. 150 min)Playback time Approx. 420 minCharging time Approx. 130 min