Basic39VQT0W88Shutter-priority AE[ ]When you want to take a sharp picture of afast moving subject, set with a fastershutter speed. When you want to create atrail effect, set to a slower shutter speed.1 Rotate the aperture ring to [A]while pressing the aperture ringbutton A.2 Rotate the shutter speed dial toset the shutter speed.B: [2-60s/B] to [1000-4000]• The mode becomes Shutter-priority AEmode [ ].• If the shutter speed dial is set to [2-60s/B] or [1000-4000], press 3/4 or rotatethe command dial C to set the shutterspeed.• You can set from 1/2 of a second to60 seconds in steps of [1/3 EV] if theshutter speed dial is set to [2-60s/B].• You can set from 1/1000th of a secondto 1/4000th of a second in steps of[1/3 EV] if the shutter speed dial is setto [1000-4000].• If you set [DIREC. EX. COMP.] (P88) to[ON], you cannot use the commanddial.3 Take a picture.• When the flash is activated, the shutterspeed becomes slower than 1/160th of asecond regardless of the shutter speedsetting. (P63)• If you press the shutter button fully whenthe shutter speed is slow, the shutterspeed on the screen counts down.• We recommend using a tripod when theshutter speed is slow.• If you press the shutter button halfwaywhen the exposure is not adequate, theaperture value and the shutter speed turnred. The aperture value and the shutterspeed blink on the Viewfinder. (They donot blink when the flash is activated.)• When most of the subject is bright, suchas during fine weather or snow, therecorded pictures may become dark. Inthese cases, compensate the exposuretowards positive. (P42)• The ISO sensitivity cannot be set to[AUTO]. (The ISO sensitivity isautomatically set to [ISO100] when youswitch from [AUTO] to Shutter-priority AE.)AAONOFF25012560301584/B2-60s1000-500A4000BSSSTANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919SINGLESINGLE NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM1 +1+102 +2+210001000SSTANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919SINGLESINGLE NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM1 +1+102 +2+210001000C