Basic43VQT0W88∫ If you are using [FUNC.2] tocompensate the exposure([FUNC.2] is set for compensating theexposure at the time of purchase.)1 Press [FUNC.2] A.B: When taking pictures with Live View2 Rotate the command dial C tocompensate the exposure.D: Viewfinder DisplayE: When taking pictures with Live View• Rotate the command dial upwards tocompensate the exposure towardsnegative and rotate the command dialdownwards to compensate theexposure towards positive.• You can compensate from [j2 EV] to[i2 EV] in steps of [1/3 EV].• Select [0] to return to the originalexposure.• [ ] and the selected exposurecompensation value are displayed onthe Viewfinder.• The exposure compensation value isdisplayed on the LCD monitor whentaking pictures with Live View. Refer toP53 for information about Live View.3 Press the shutter button halfwayto set the selected exposure.• You can also set the selected exposureby doing the following:– Pressing [FUNC.2]– Not operating the camera for a fewseconds∫ If you are using the command dialonly to compensate the exposureIf you set [DIREC. EX. COMP.] to [ON], youcan compensate the exposure by rotatingthe command dial only and do not have topress [FUNC.2]. (It is set to [OFF] at thetime of purchase.)1 Press [MENU/SET] and thenpress 2.2 Press 4 to select the [CUSTOM]menu icon [ ] and then press 1.STANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919SINGLESINGLE NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM-1 +1+10- 2 +2+2P-1-1 +1+10-2-2 +2+2ISOISO100100PSTDSTD 1919AB0-- 1 +1+10- 2 +2+2ISOISO100100P 1/3STANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919SINGLESINGLE NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM- 1 +1+10-2 +2+2PSTDSTD 1919CD E1/3OFFSETMENUMENUSELECT EXITRECFILM MODEPICT.SIZEQUALITYRAW REC.ASPECT1/4EXIT MENUSELECTCUSTOMCUSTOM SETCUST. SET MEM.OFFNORMALDIREC. EX. COMP.FUNC.2 SETFUNC.1 SET