Basic37VQT0W88∫ Preventing jitter (camera shake)• Be careful of jittering when pressing theshutter button.• We recommend using a tripod. Also, becareful how you hold the camera (P33).Using the self-timer (P70) or the remoteshutter (DMW-RSL1; optional) (P110)prevents jittering caused by pressing theshutter button when you are using atripod.• Shutter speed will be slower particularly inthe following cases. Keep the camera stillfrom the moment the shutter button ispressed until the picture is taken. Werecommend using a tripod.– Slow sync. (P62)– Slow sync./Red-eye reduction (P62)– When you set to a slow shutter speed(P39, 40)∫ Exposure• If you press the shutter button halfwaywhen the exposure is not adequate, theaperture value A and the shutter speedB turn red. The aperture value and theshutter speed blink on the Viewfinder.(They do not blink when the flash isactivated.)• When most of the subject is bright, suchas during fine weather or snow, therecorded pictures may become dark. Inthese cases, compensate the exposuretowards positive. (P42)This mode allows you to compose a picturemore easily by continuously focusing on themovement of the subject while the shutterbutton is pressed halfway.When taking pictures of a moving subject, thecamera predicts the movement of the subjectand focuses on it. (motion prediction)• Check that the camera is set to takingpictures with the Viewfinder. When takingpictures with Live View, press [LIVE VIEW]to switch the setting so the camera is set totaking pictures with the Viewfinder. (P53)Set the focus mode lever to[AFC].• AFC is an abbreviation of “Auto FocusContinuous”. The camera is continuouslyfocusing on the subject while the shutterbutton is pressed halfway.• It may take time to focus on the subject ifyou rotate the zoom ring from Wide to Teleor suddenly change the subject from adistant one to a nearby one.• Press the shutter button halfway againwhen it is difficult to focus on the subject.• Refer to P68 for information aboutfocusing on the subject in burst mode.• [AFC] in focus mode is not activated whentaking pictures with Live View.If you switch the focus mode lever to[AFC], the message [SWITCH TO AFS]appears and [AFC] in focus mode is set.PPSTANDARDSTANDARDISOISO 100100AUTOAUTOWBWB1919SINGLESINGLE NORMALNORMALCUSTOMCUSTOM-1 +1+10-2 +2+220002000F 2222A BContinuously focusing on asubject (AFC)(When taking pictures with theViewfinder)AFSAFC AFLAELMF