308DP-8032/80252008Ver.1.2(19) Install the 2 Hinge Stoppers.(20) Secure the 2 Hinge Stoppers with 4 Screws (Short).(21) Install the 2 Hinge Covers.Note:When installing the Hinge Covers, make sure thateach Hinge Film is put inside of each Hinge Cover.(22) Peel off the 6 Adhesive protectors from theScanning Pad.(23) Place the Scanning Pad on the glass aligning on theupper left corner, keeping 1mm space as illustrated.(24) Close the i-ADF / ADF.Note:Reopen the i-ADF / ADF and push the Scanning Padgently to paste it properly.(25) Lift the Original Tray Assembly.(26) Lower the Inverting Guide 2 Assembly.(27) Install the Stamp Assembly.(28) The Inverting Guide 2 Assembly and the OriginalTray Assembly are returned to former position.(29) Proceed with the installation of other options. Iffinished, reinstall all Harnesses and Covers.(30) Plug the AC Power Cord, and turn the Main PowerSwitch on the Back and the Power Switch on theLeft Side of the machine to the ON position.(31) Reconnect the Telephone Line / LAN Cable ifdisconnected.HingeStopperHingeStopperScrews(Short)Screws(Short)Hinge CoverHinge FilmHinge FilmHinge Film1mmScanningPadAdhesiveprotectorsAdhesiveprotectors