35RQT9385AdvancedoperationsABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND:This DivX ® Certified device must be registered in order to play DivXVideo-on-Demand (VOD) content.First generate the DivX VOD registration code for your device andsubmit it during the registration process. [Important: DivX VODcontent is protected by a DivX DRM (Digital Rights Management)system that restricts playback to registered DivX Certified devices. Ifyou try to play DivX VOD content not authorized for your device, themessage “Authorisation Error.” will be displayed and your contentwill not play.]Learn more at www.divx.com/vod.Display the unit’s registration code.(> 67, “DivX Registration” in “Others” tab)≥After playing DivX VOD content for the first time, anotherregistration code is then displayed in “DivX Registration”. Do notuse this registration code to purchase DivX VOD content. If youuse this code to purchase DivX VOD content, and then play thecontent on this unit, you will no longer be able to play any contentthat you purchased using the previous code.≥If you purchase DivX VOD content using a registration codedifferent from this unit’s code, you will not be able to play thiscontent. (“Authorisation Error.” is displayed.)Regarding DivX content that can only be played a set number oftimesSome DivX VOD content can only be played a set number of times.When you play this content, the remaining number of plays isdisplayed. You cannot play this content when the number ofremaining plays is zero. (“Rental Expired.” is displayed.)When playing this content≥The number of remaining plays is reduced by one if– you press [Í].– you press [∫].– you press [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].– you press [:] or [, ] etc. and arrive at another contentor the start of the content being played.– timer recording starts on the HDD.– you press [DRIVE SELECT] to change the drive.≥Resume functions do not work.[-R] [-R]DL] [CD] [USB]You can play WMA/MP3 files recorded with a computer onto a DVD-R, DVD-R DL, CD-R/CD-RW and USB memory.≥You cannot play MP3 or WMA files on the USB memory while recording orcopying.1 Show MP3&WMA Menu or MP3 Menuscreen.(> 34, Showing the menu screen)≥Files are treated as tracks and folders are treated as groups.2 Press [3, 4] to select the track andpress [OK].Play starts on the selected track.≥“0” indicates the track currently playing.≥You can also select the track with the numbered buttons.To stop playingPress [∫].To show other pagesPress [:, 9].To exit the screenPress [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].1 While the file list is displayedPress [1] while a track is highlighted to displaythe tree screen.2 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select a group and press[OK].The file list for the group appears.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN ].Regarding DivX VOD contentSetupDiscPictureSoundDisplayDivX RegistrationConnection OK RETURNTuningOthersDivX (R) Video On DemandYour registration code is : XXXXXXXXTo learn more visit www.divx.com/vod8 alphanumeric charactersPlaying Music filese.g., 5: [0] @ [0] @ [0] @ [5]15: [0] @ [0] @ [1] @ [5]Using the tree screen to find a group001 Both Ends Freezing002 Lady Starfish003 Life on Jupiter004 Metal Glue005 Paint It Yellow006 Pyjamamama007 Shrimps from Mars008 Starperson009 Velvet Cuppermine010 Ziggy Starfish11 : My favorite2345678910Total Track TreeG 1T 1TOTAL1/111MP3&WMA MenuCD0 9–NumberGroupNo.Page 001/024Prev.NextOK RETURNSELECTMP3Music TypeSelected groupG: Group No.T: Track No. in the groupTOTAL:Track No./Total tracks inall groupsTreeG 7/25001 My favorite001 Brazilian pops002 Chinese pops003 Czech pops004 Hungarian pops005 Liner notes006 Japanese pops007 Mexican pops008 Philippine pops009 Swedish pops001 Momoko002 Standard number001 Piano solo002 VocalMP3&WMA MenuCDNumberG 8T 14TOTAL40/111MP3 music–0 9OK RETURNSELECTYou cannot selectgroups that contain nocompatible files.Selected group No. /Total groupsIf the group has no track, “– –” is displayed as group number.